Sunday 17 April 2011

About Last Night

We went to the movies last night to see Hannah by Joe Wright. There is a huge multi-screen just on the corner of Lincoln Road. The movie was great actually but the best thing is that it costs just $10 to see a film. So inexpensive in comparison to London. Its about £16 to see a movie in Leicester Square which is way too much.
The photos are totally not relevant to the words by the way. I was taking pictures of the flowers in the supermarket while Richard was paying for milk. So at the cinema there was a weighing machine and I actually dared get on it. It gave me my weight 128 lbs which means I have lost 7 lbs since I got here on the photography diet - hurray. It also gave me the lottery numbers which I couldn't write down as I didn't have pen (there goes my only hope of financial security) and a fortune telling prediction ' Look after your health' which is little down to earth for my taste. I ate cheese fries at the Shake Shack.
Richard said I should loose 10 more lbs. He is a model agent which seriously affects his perspective on these things. He can fuck off any way. I want to loose 3lbs only so that I can weigh 125lbs because I prefer numbers that are easily divisable by 100.
It's funny being around gay men, like being naked on the beach with them because I always feel like they are body facists and its totally my stuff since Richard always says I look great even when I don't. He works with such beautiful women though I imagine it must be dreadful to see a normal one after that.

I love Richard - we had a really interesting conversation about anal versus vaginal sex this morning. I totally forgot that he had ever slept with women. Very revealing - straight men don't tell you much about that stuff.

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