Monday 4 July 2011


Richard and I went to Ice Box for lunch because I had already had a healthy fruit salad for breakfast.
So I thought I would ruin a fantastic start by having cake for lunch. My food has gone badly wrong since Richard got here, I am glad he is leaving on Wednesday so I can get it back together again before coming home on Saturday. Obviously Richard is responsible for what I am putting in my mouth, there is no other explanation.

I ordered Peanut Butter and Chocolate cake for lunch which was kind of a mistake. It was not so much a cake as a block of butter. It tasted good at first but it was too much after a while.

I even left some which I never ever do.
Richard had a holy mess in the name of steak and eggs. It took ages to arrive and was covered in home made chips. American cafes try to make their own crisps which is a mistake as the only good crisps come out of bags from factories. It's not something you can make at home because they are always too soggy and so fail miserably at the first hurdle.
So anyway we hated everything. We think icebox is only good for cakes (coconut). It's expensive, crowded, food took ages and we are not going back. So there.

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