Saturday, 14 April 2012

Too Much Exposure

Very tanned at the moment. It fades fast though. Richard said you have to moisturise all the time to keep the colour. He works with models so he knows about stuff like that. One of his girls works for Victorias Secret - she is lovely but to me that company represents everything that is wrong with American sexuality. I walked in the store today actually to see if it was as bad a I remembered and it is WORSE. They are opening one in London soon so expect to see an onslaught of neon coloured push up bras and visible G-Strings in the West End this summer. The whole ethos of the store seems to be to convince women to smell like Tom Cats and dress like $10 hookers. Its strange what you see in Miami in terms of clothing or the lack of it. Almost every woman between 12 - 70 is in a tight t-shirt with a push up bra. People tend to wear the same clothing to go shopping as they do to go to beach. Its strangely unpleasant to see someone in a grocery store in a bikini top.

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