Thursday 5 April 2012

Bagel, Sliced & Grilled

I took my hatred across the road to the bagel shop to appease it with some carbohydrates. I had the most divine Pumpernickel toasted bagel with cream cheese. I think Pumpernickel might be the same thing as Rye. It is the same colour and tastes of caraway seeds. I really like it. I spotted a crazy woman with really bad surgery - like a cut / paste/ stretch and flat iron job. One of the true wonders of American tourism is these chance sightings of really messy facelifts. They are actually more and more rare as the owners are dying out of old age and surgery has come on quite a bit since the 1970's. While it is on one level a human tragedy I can't help but wonder how bad the person looked in the first place if the abomination before me is the 'improvement'.


  1. dont speak about my mother like that. cant type any more. feel sick from too many home made cookies. bye.

  2. oh you are alive - good x
