Monday, 31 December 2012

AA Related Announcements

'I am going to make a list of all the attitudes and short comings that did not serve me this year and I don't want to take into the next' How totally inspiring: I of course make a list of all the stuff I want,to be thin, brown, rich, get laid a lot, write a book, decorate flat, have a laugh, advance spiritually.
Yet its also good to remind myself of all the things I am grateful for, my friends, son, dog, flat, London, job, sobriety and sense of humour. Good idea though to think about what I don't want to take into the next year, I don't want to be scared, negative, mean, depressed, lazy, impatient or unkind. I do want to be positive, proactive, hard working, generous, active, energised, focused and loving.

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