Friday, 30 March 2012

All Is Calm, All Is Bright

The beach was relatively safe this afternoon, the green flag means moderate currents and the purple means  jelly's are go. I have not been in the sea so far I would rather view it with suspicion from terra firma for now.
I walked up to the Northern Point of the beach today, it is much quieter in that direction. There was a wedding on the beach at about 6pm. Very odd, all these wedding planners nipping around like a Steve Martin movie. Then a string quarter trudged by, then a whole bunch of over dressed (for the beach at least) guests came and then the bride and a platoon of bridesmaids. Very odd at first I thought it was going to be a gay wedding because it looked so camp but actually they were all deadly serious and had a proper  Priest etc. Full wedding attire at a beach wedding is not a great look. What worked better was Kurt & Courtney in Pyjamas stoned or Pammy & Tommy in swimwear. Both unions started rather well and ended pretty badly but in principle they were a great and well styled idea at the onset. I don't think the wedding planner had figured out quite how difficult it would be to walk in court shoes across the sand. Anyway all the more amusing for me.

While laying on my towel sniggering this total chancer guy came over and said
'Beautiful eh?'
'Not my idea of a day out, No'

1 comment:

  1. The colours in your photos look amazing - then again, even Peckham looks good when the sun shines.
    (And astonishingly, it is!)
